The psilocybe Subaeruginosa is native to Australia and New Zealand and we were finally blessed with spores of this species in 2014. We had a small collection that sold out fast. In 2015 we connected with an Aussie who has been collecting these mushrooms for over a decade and he was able to secure us a large collection of spores of this amazing psilocybin mushroom. Hopefully the spores will start getting spread around the world now and we will start hearing more reports of what it can do. Psilocybe Subaeruginosa could be considered the most active mushroom in the world. Their have been collection reports published showing its psilocybin and psilocin content higher then ps. azurescens, and other collections lower. Regardless it should be considered at the top of the food chain for highly active mushrooms.
We have some interesting news about the habitat of ps. Subaeruginosa. What is most impressive is that it grows around pine trees and on pine needles! This is the only psilocybe mushroom I’m aware of that grows around pine trees. This could actually make habitats quite easily since pine trees are quite common. As well in Australia it also grows around Eucalyptus and Nothofagus trees, as well on woody debris around shrub bushes. Basically it likes fast decomposing woods like other highly active psilocybe mushrooms, as well as being adapted to pine needles! This does not mean it can be grown on pine needles alone, wood chips is still the best choice. One grower tells us this species really likes Pinus radiata wood.Typically in Australia they find it near the forest edge and even along roadsides. Which is not typical of psilocybe mushrooms as most psilocybin mushrooms usually don’t grow in the forest, they grow where people thrive in disturbed areas and landscapes.
This is a cool weather mushroom that grows in temperature ranges around 32-F to 55F. Even for spores to germinate, the temps need to be down around the 50F-60F range to start the life cycle in nature. However spawn runs have been published as high as 75F but spore germination and fruiting temperatures are always much lower. This is typical of ALL wood loving cool weather psilocybe mushrooms.
I believe we have a very special psilocybin mushroom here that I’m eager to start seeing photos of Subaeruginosa mushroom habitats spring up! Please send me those pictures. :)
If you live in Australia and are seeking magic subaeruginosa mushrooms then you might want to read Prisms wild mushroom field guild on subaeruginosa magic mushrooms.
Supplies are low on this species, down to our last 10 prints. Not sure when we will have more.
Psilocybe Subaeruginosa Spore PRINTS
- Product Code: SUBS PRINT
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