
We carry a wide variety of popular and delicious edible mushrooms in liquid culture syringes and spore prints. We try and focus on species that are not easily available in markets that consumers are interested in. For those of you that are new to growing mushrooms you will want to order the liquid culture syringes. Spore prints are for the more experienced cultivators.
A great book for learning to grow edible mushrooms is Paul Stamet’s - Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms. For those of you that are very serious and really want to learn a lot about fungi then check out Paul’s book The Mushroom Cultivator. All of Paul Stamet's books are excellent.
As well there is a vast amount of videos on youtube.
Have fun :)
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Pink Oyster Mushroom Culture Syringe
Pink Oyster mushrooms are truly spectacular in their vibrant pink color. Our pink oys..
Golden Oyster Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe
Golden Oyster mushrooms (pleurotus citrinopileatus) are really quite stunning in clusters. This mush..
Pioppino Mushroom Culture Syringe
The Pioppino mushroom (agrocybe aegerita) is an easy to grow mushroom that that thrives on supplemen..
Blue Oyster Mushroom Culture Syringe
The popular blue oyster mushroom is one of the most common of the oyster mushrooms used in cuisine w..
Shiitake Mushroom Spore PRINT
Shiitake mushrooms, lentinula edodes, is probably the most popular cultivated mushroom around the wo..
Maitake Mushrooms Culture Syringe
Maitake mushrooms, commonly known in North America as hen-of-the-woods is a delicious mushroom that ..
Morel Mushroom Spore Print
Morels are one of the most sought after mushrooms anywhere. They have a bold meat taste that is exqu..
Pearl Oyster Mushroom Spore PRINT
The delicious pearl oyster (pleurotus ostreatus) mushrooms are one of the most common of the oy..
Chanterelles-C.roseocanus Spore PRINT
Chanterelles (C.roseocanus ) mushrooms are one of the most delicious mushrooms a chef can work with...
King Oyster Mushroom Culture Syringe
The King Oyster mushroom (pleurotus eryngii) is considered the most delicious of the oyster mushroom..
Shaggy Mane Mushrooms Culture Syringe
The Shaggy Mane, coprinus comatus, is one one of the most delicious mushrooms there is in my opinion..
Morel Mushroom Culture Syringe
Morels are one of the most sought after mushrooms anywhere. They have a bold meat taste that is exqu..
Beech Mushroom Culture Syringe
Beech mushrooms,Hypsizygus tessulatus, are very popular in Japan and can be found in Asian grocer st..
Maitake Mushrooms Spore PRINT
Maitake mushrooms, commonly known in North America as hen-of-the-woods is a delicious mushroom that ..
Amanita Muscaria Spore Print
Information for this species will be posted soon, spore prints are available. The current stock of A..